Lance's Sketch Pad

I bought Lance a sketch pad as a gift on our first Christmas together. I remember how he would hesitate to show me his works unless they are already finished. He said something about being afraid he'd lose the momentum if he shows an incomplete work to anyone. I respected that--sometimes. Hahaha! Here are some of his drawings on his sketch pad that I always feel proud of showing. Hope you like them.

The sketch above is a sketch of himself while he was waiting for me at the St. Therese's building gate at Adamson University. Back in college, he would always end up waiting for me for hours because I had to stay late at school for productions and shootings.

(pencil and charcoal)
This one is a sketch of me while I was writing our script for our radio drama back in college. It was the first school day for the year 2007 and I intentionally put off writing our script during the Christmas vacation so Lance and I did not attend our classes that day. He accompanied me at Luneta and Quirino grandstand where we tried to find a comfortable place where we can go on a picnic and at the same time think of a funny fantasy story to write. I came up with the Randolpito story inspired by Filipino superheroes such as Darna and Captain Barbell.Yes, I did lay down on my stomach while writing in the Luneta grounds.

Forever a Nicole Kidman Fan
 (pencil and charcoal)

We are both fans of Nicole Kidman and we both agree that she is the most beautiful and talented actress on earth. He used the picture of Nicole Kidman from her Chanel No. 5 advert.

(pencil and charcoal)
Lance once told me that he didn't want to draw me because he was afraid that it would become imperfect. He said he felt the pressure to make it perfect can actually make it worse so I stopped asking him to draw me. It took him almost 2 years before he could show me a portrait of myself. He surprised me with this sketch a couple of weeks before my birthday in 2007. I told him I think he made me look beautiful in it. :-)

Heaven and Hell
(pencil and charcoal)
Lance and I had always discussed heaven and hell in our arguments. I once said maybe the other religions are right: that there is no hell and it is merely a propaganda of the Catholic Church to scare us. He never considered that idea despite my logical arguments why it could actually be true.

(pencil and charcoal)
Between Lance and I, he had always been the most spiritual one. He's a devout Catholic and I have always been the skeptic one. He is also very fond of angels. He knows them all by name. He used a page of a religious book as a model for this piece.

 (pencil and charcoal)
Lance and I were staying at our sari-sari store when he drew his left hand. He was inspired by my amusement in drawing my left hand so he tried it while we're killing boredom at the store.

(pencil and charcoal)
This is the last sketch before he became too busy at school to find time with his sketch pad. We drew this piece together as we have always planned even before we became lovers. When we were still at the courtship stage, we planned on painting on a single canvas together when we found out that we both have interests in paintings. We haven't done the painting together thing yet but we're planning to buy some materials this coming week.


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